Only three days left! CFP for Al Fan V - PHILOGICA V

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Only three days left! CFP for ALFAn V - PHILOGICA V

Fifth Conference of the Latin American Association for
Analytic Philosophy

Fifth Colombian Conference on Logic, Epistemology and
Philosophy of Science
May 16-18, 2018
Villa de Leyva, Colombia

David Chalmers

Carolina Sartorio
University of Arizona

L. A. Paul
University of North Carolina
Max Freund
Universidad de Costa Rica

Julian Reiss
Durham University
The joint ALFAn - PHILOGICA conference is designed to provide a forum for new work in any area of analytic philosophy, logic, cognitive science, and related fields. The format of the conference will provide an opportunity for speakers to receive constructive feedback from interested colleagues from Colombia and Latin America, and for other participants to become acquainted with new work in the field.
Submission Guidelines

Individual Papers
Please submit an abstract in Word or PDF. The abstract should be between 500 and 1000 words, and it should present the main argument of the paper. Review will be double-blind. Please do not include your name or any identifying references on the abstract or the file. Please include your full name and institutional affiliation in your e-mail when you submit the abstract. The allocated time for delivering individual papers at the conference will be 40 minutes, including discussion. The languages of the conference are English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Symposia organizers must submit a 500-word description of the topic and aim of the symposium, together with the abstracts of all the papers that will be presented, following the guidelines for individual papers. There is a limit of four papers per symposium, and the total allocated time will be 2 hours.
Note: No one will be permitted to present more than once at the conference. Thus, if a you are a presenting author in a symposium proposal, you cannot submit an individual paper. If a symposium proposal is rejected, the individual abstracts will still be refereed for individual presentation.
The submission deadline is January 31st, 2018.
Accepted abstracts will be announced on February 28, 2018.
Abstracts of contributed papers and symposia proposals should be submitted to:
The conference is organized by:
Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Analítica (ALFAn)
Grupo de Investigación en Lógica, Epistemología y Filosofía de la Ciencia (PHILOGICA)
Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Escuela de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

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