II Colloquium in the
Philosophy and History of Science
Río de la Plata 2018
VI Colloquium in the
Philosophy and History of Science
University of the Republic
Kuhnian Studies: past, present and future.
II Colloquium in the
Philosophy and History of Science
Río de la Plata 2018
VI Colloquium in the
Philosophy and History of Science
University of the Republic
Kuhnian Studies: past, present and future.
Buenos Aires / November 26-27
Montevideo / November 29-30
Facultad de Información y Comunicación, Universidad de la República
San Salvador 1944 esq. Juan D. Jackson, Montevideo.
Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico (SADAF)
Bulnes 642, Buenos Aires.
November 26
Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Zurich University, Switzerland)
The Genealogy and Plausibility of Kuhn’s Metaphysics
Commentator: Hernán Miguel (University of Buenos Aires / SADAF, Argentina).
Juan Vicente Mayoral (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Pending title
Commentator: Pablo Melogno (University of the Republic, Uruguay).
November 27
Eric Oberheim (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
"Incommensurability and Metaincommensurability?”
Commentator: Leandro Giri (SADAF / CONICET, Argentina).
Round table “Descriptive and normative dimensions of Kuhn's Philosophy". Howard Sankey, Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, Brad Wray. Coordinator: Hernán Miguel.
November 29
Howard Sankey (Melbourne University, Australia)
“Kuhn, Coherentism and Perception”
Commentator: Juan Vicente Mayoral.
Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz (National Autonomous University, México)
Pending title
Commentator: Jorge Rasner (University of the Republic, Uruguay).
November 30
K. Brad Wray (Aarhaus University, Denmark)
“A Defense of Structure in Structure of Scientific Revolutions”
Commentator: Pablo Melogno (University of the Republic, Uruguay).
Round table "The role of empirical data from a kuhnian point of view":
Paul Hoyningen, Eric Oberheim. Coordinator: Leandro Giri.
Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Zurich University, Switzerland)
Pablo Melogno (University of the Republic, Uruguay)
Hernán Miguel (University of Buenos Aires / SADAF, Argentina)
Jorge Rasner (University of the Republic, Uruguay)
Leandro Giri (SADAF / CONICET, Argentina)
Ignacio Cervieri (University of the Republic, Uruguay)
Ignacio Saraiva (University of the Republic, Uruguay)