Santiago Mind and Cognition Research Group

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Workshop on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
Valparaíso - ​Chile


August 22-23, 2019
Valparaíso, Chile

Santiago Mind & Cognition Research Group
Santiago Mind & Cognition Research Group is delighted to organize the first Workshop on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. This event is intended to provide the opportunity to engage in some of the most recent discussion on the study of the mind from both philosophy of mind and scientific perspective.

The workshop will feature main lectures by invited speakers and a number of allocated slots for researchers interested in discussing their work and receiving feedback.

The workshop will take place in the beautiful coastal town of Valparaíso, two-hours away from Santiago, on August 22th - August 23th 2019.

Confirmed Speakers are:

Mazviita Chirimuuta (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

Liza Skidelsky (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Francisco Pereira (University Aberto Hurtado, Chile)

Abel Wajnerman (University Alberto Hurtado, Chile)

Rodolfo Aldea (University Alberto Hurtado, Chile)

Applications to attend the Workshop on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science will be open until June 1st, 2019.

To attend please send an email to [email protected] with a 800 word abstract, a short statement of interest and a brief academic bio indicating institutional affiliation, academic status (PhD student, Postdoc, etc.) research interests and relevant publications in the area.

Registration Fee, including coffee breaks for the two days event is 15.000 CLP (approx. 22,48 USD or 19,80 Euro).

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