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Noticias de ALFAn

Analytic Philosophy Conference-Costa Rica 2016

Call for Papers

The Latin American Association for Analytic Philosophy (ALFAN)is pleased to invite all researchers in any field of analytic philosophy or related fields (such as Cognitive Sciences) to submit a contribution for the IVth Conference of ALFAN, to take place in San José, Costa Rica, from May the 25th through the 27th, 2016. The official languages are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Costa Rica and the National University of Costa Rica.

Keynote Speakers:

- Ernest Sosa, (Epistemology, Rutgers University, USA)

- Mario Gómez Torrente, (Philosophy of Logic, UNAM, México)

- Patricia Churchland, (Philosophy of Mind, University of California at San Diego, USA)

- Scott Soames,(Philosophy of Logic and Language, University of Southern California, USA)

- Marco Ruffino, (Philosophy of Language, University of Campinas, Brazil)

- Achim Stephan, (Philosophy of Mind, University of Onasbruek, Germany)

- Eleonora Cresto, (Epistemology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

1. Submissions

Submissions may be in the form of individual presentations, or of a panel with 2 or more participants. The time for each talk will depend on the volume of submissions accepted (but should be something between 30 and 45 minutes for individual presentations, or between 1 hour and a half and 2 hours for panels).

Submissions should be sent to Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla in two different files:

1- one containing a title and a 500 (minimum) to 800 (maxim)-word abstract of the paper. Please, prepare your abstract for blind review.

2- the other containing only the paper title, name, institutional affiliation and e-mail of the participant.

For submissions of panels with 2 or more participants, the submission should include both files for each participant in the panel.

2. Registration fees

- US$20,00 for members of ALFAn, who have paid the annual membership 2015 and 2016

- US$50,00 for ordinary members of ALFAn, who have only paid the annual membership 2015

-US$40,00 for associated members who have only paid the annual membership 2015.

-US$85,00 for ordinary members who have not paid their dues.

-US$65,00 for associated members who have not paid their dues.

-US$90,00 for non-members.

-US$70 for graduate students that are not members.

3. Submission address and Deadline

Address for submissions: Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla

Deadline for submissions: January 31.

Notification of Acceptance: Three months after submission, if submitted earlier than December the 1st . After January 31, February the 1st.

4. Organizing Committee

Max Freund, Mauricio Molina, Manuel Ortega, Juan Diego Moya, Alvaro Carvajal and Jorge Morales

For further information, please contact Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla .

University of Helsinki, Finland, 3-8 August 2015
Submission deadline: 30 November 2014
The Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS) is organized every four years by the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (DLMPS). The Philosophical Society of Finland, the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy the Social Sciences (TINT), the Division of Theoretical Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies) are proud to host the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS 2015). CLMPS 2015 is supported by University of Helsinki and the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.
CLMPS 2015 is co-located with the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Logic Colloquium 2015 (the abstract submission for Logic Colloquium 2015 opens in early 2015).
The congress will host six plenary lectures and several invited lectures. The names of the plenary lecture speakers and invited speakers will be announced soon.
CLMPS 2015 calls for contributed papers, contributed symposia, and affiliated meetings in 17 thematic sections:
A. Logic
A1. Mathematical Logic
A2. Philosophical Logic
A3. Computational Logic and Applications of Logic
A4. Historical Aspects of Logic
B. General Philosophy of Science
B1. Methodology
B2. Formal Philosophy of Science and Formal Epistemology
B3. me<x>taphysical Issues in the Philosophy of Science
B4. Ethical and Political Issues in the Philosophy of Science
B5. Historical Aspects in the Philosophy of Science
C. Philosophical Issues of Particular Disciplines
C1. Philosophy of the Formal Sciences (incl. Logic, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science)
C2. Philosophy of the Physical Sciences (incl. Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Climate Science)
C3. Philosophy of the Life Sciences
C4. Philosophy of the Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences
C5. Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences
C6. Philosophy of the Applied Sciences and Technology
C7. Philosophy of Medicine
C8. me<x>taphilosophy
In addition, some submitted abstracts will be invited to contribute to the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS) Joint Commission Symposium Sessions if the programme committee considers the abstracts well suited for IUHPS themes.
Contributed papers: Please submit an abstract of 300 words prepared for autonomous review. Accepted contributed papers will be allocated in total 30 minutes (20 min for the presentation + 10 min for the discussion).
Contributed symposia: Please submit an abstract of max. 1700 words prepared for autonomous review.
The abstract should include:
a. a general desc<x>ription of the format and the topic of the proposed symposium and its significance (up to 500 words)
b. a 300-word abstract of each paper (3-4 papers)
Each accepted contributed symposia will be allocated a full two-hour session.
Affiliated Meetings: Affiliated meetings are half-day to full day symposia that run parallel to the CLMPS 2015 programme, and belong to the congress programme. Please consult the CLMPS 2015 submission guidelines for further information.
Rules for multiple presentations
+ Maximally one contributed individual paper
+ One is allowed to present a second paper of which one is a co-author, but then the main author of this paper must submit the paper and be registered as a participant.
+ If one participates in a contributed symposia proposal, affiliated meeting proposal or is an invited speaker, one is not allowed to submit an individual contributed paper in which one is the main author (it is possible to be a co-author of a contributed paper, but then the main author of this paper must submit the paper and be registered as a participant).
Abstracts should be submitted by using the CLMPS 2015 registration form:
Authors are kindly asked to consult the detailed submission guidelines before submitting:
All questions about submissions should be directed to the congress sectary, Ms. Päivi Seppälä
 Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla
 ). The members of the programme committee, DLMPS committees and the local organising committee are listed here
Hannes Leitgeb (Chair of the Programme Committee)
Ilkka Niiniluoto (Chair of the Local Organizing Committee)

Preliminary Notice: The next meeting of ALFAn (IIIº Latin American Conference of Analytic Philosophy) will take place in Fortaleza (Hotel Mareiro), Brazil, from May 27 to 30, 2014. We'll soon issue a call for papers with the instructions for proposals.

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