Dear list Members,
Please remember that the deadline for our CFP of the Special Issue "Scientific Process Ontology and Metaphysics" of Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2317-630X) is approaching.
Deadline: 15th of March 2024.
Here is the call:
Special Issue on "Scientific Process Ontology and Metaphysics" of Manuscrito: International Journal of Philosophy (ISSN: 2317-630X).
This special issue aims to nourish and further develop the contemporary debate about process ontology and metaphysics in "naturalist" or ``scientifically informed" frameworks. Our attention will therefore be devoted to issues related to the discussion of naturalist/physicalist process-based models in ontology and metaphysics and the development of formal models for processes and the relationship between these models and the natural and social sciences. The special issue will include works from various philosophical disciplines, such as (formal) ontology and metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and not only.
We invite submissions of papers dealing with the following topics and all related issues:
- Ontology and metaphysics: limits, advantages, and plausibility of processual approaches;
- Ontology and metaphysics: monism, dualism, and the problem of naturalism in traditional substance-based metaphysics;
- Metaphysics of science: emergence, physicalism, and the causal model;
- Philosophy of mind: process-based cognition and the mind-body problem;
- Philosophy of natural sciences: processes in physics, chemistry, biology, and psychology;
- Philosophy of mathematics and formal ontology: formal models for processes.
Confirmed contributors are:
Tina Röck (University of Dundee)
Johanna Seibt (Aarhus University)
Mark H. Bickhard (Lehigh University)
William Penn (University of Wisconsin)
Andrei Rodin (University Paris-Cité)
Andrew Winters (Yavapai College)
Accepted papers will be published in the second semester of 2024.
Formatting instructions for submissions can be found here.
Submissions (preferably in PDF) will pass through a double-peer-reviewing process.
All submissions for this Special Issue should be made through MANUSCRITO Editorial Manager.
Please, indicate in the Cover Letter that This is a contribution to the Special Issue on Process Ontology.
Manuscrito is an online journal that began publishing in open and free access in 2011.
Queries can be directed to me at: [email protected]
Francesco Maria Ferrari
(Guest editor)
Francesco Maria Ferrari
CONICET Postdoctoral Fellow
"Dr. Alejandro Korn" Institute of Philosophy
University of Buenos Aires (UBA)