International Congress on Emergence, Causation, and Free Will
June 20-21, 2024
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
In person + online.
Keynote speakers:
Jessica Wilson – University of Toronto
Timothy O'Connor – Indiana University
Proposals are welcome for the International Congress on Emergence, Causation, and Free Will that will take place at the Department of Philosophy at Universidad del Valle in the city of Cali, Colombia. The Congress aims to bring together diverse scientific, epistemological, and metaphysical approaches to engage in debates on the complexity of natural reality, human nature, mind, and free will.
Abstract submission:
We invite submission for 40 minute presentations (followed by 15 minutes of discussion). The languages of the Congress are English and Spanish.
Topics of interest might include (but are not limited to):
- Emergence and reduction in the physical and special sciences
- Emergence, grounding, fundamentality, and dependence
- Phenomenal consciousness and emergence
- Mental causation
- Downward, event, substance, and agent causation
- Biological autonomy and freedom
- Libertarian free will and emergence
- Natural laws and free will
An abstract of approximately 250-500 words (excluding references) should be prepared for blind review and include a cover page with full name, institution, contact information, short bio, and selection of in person or online modality (priority will be given to in person presentations). Files should be submitted in .doc(x) or PDF format. Please make sure that the subject of the message has the following structure: “International Congress, First Name Last Name – title of abstract.”
– Submission deadline is April 20, 2024.
– Accepted proposals will be notified on April 30, 2024.
Our intention is to produce a collected volume/journal issue based upon the contributions to the conference.
Abstracts and further queries should be sent to [email protected]
Organizing committee:
Laura Liliana Gómez – Universidad del Valle
Juan Morales – Universidad de Cartagena
David Rey – Universidad del Valle
José Oliverio Tovar – Universidad del Valle