Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Analítica

Membership Fees

We would like to invite you to pay the yearly fee for membership to ALFAn.

For the current period (2023-2025), the Directive Board has decided to maintain the same fees and discounts available in previous years.

Fees 2023-2025

Ordinary Members

One year (2023): US$30 

Two years (2023-2024): US$45

One year (2024): US$30 

Two years (2024-2025): US$45

Adjunct Members

One year (2023): US$20 

Two years (2023-2024): US$30

One year (2024): US$20 

Two years (2024-2025): US$30


At the moment, payment is only possible through PayPal.

Click on the following link to go to PayPal: PayPal.Me. 

After you make your payment, please send the receipt by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More in this category: « Nuevo Comité 2018