Estimado/a Visitante,
Queremos informarle sobre el siguiente concurso por una plaza en el Departamento de Filosofía, de la Universidad de Campinas, Brasil.
Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP:
General Information:
The Department of Philosophy at UNICAMP is selecting a candidate for a permanent (tenure track) position as Assistant Professor in LOGIC. The selection will be based on some exams that candidates must take at the UNICAMP (see description below).
The official languages of the exams are Portuguese and English, but the candidate selected for the position is supposed to learn Portuguese and be able to lecture in this language after some reasonable time.
The academic career at UNICAMP has three ranks, i.e., Assistant, Associate and Full Professor. Progression in the career is made by submission, at an appropriate time, to further evaluation by a board of experts. In the case of promotion to Associate, there are no constraints external to the Department, but the number of positions for Full Professors is regulated by higher offices from the University, and it may take a couple of years for the Department to be allowed to open a new position in this rank. All the main academic rights and duties (except for the eligibility for certain committees) are the same for the three ranks; in particular all of them enjoy full academic autonomy in teaching and research.
The current initial monthly salary of an Assistant Professor at UNICAMP is R$ 10,360 [at today’s rate, nearly US$ 2,800 per month, or (12+1) x 2,800 = US$ 36,400 per year]. The position is exclusive, i.e., professors are not allowed to have a second (simultaneous) job. But academic researchers are additionally supported by several federal, regional and local funding agencies, which can provide a series of grants, both for specific short-run projects (such as participation in conferences in other cities in Brazil and abroad) and for long-run research projects, typically involving a group of researchers in specific areas.
The examining process will take place sometime between February and May 2016. The Department will let you know when the dates are defined.
The applicants whose submissions are formally correct (i.e. containing all the required documents – see the list below) will be examined by a board of experts and on the basis of their performance in four specific tests (“provas”, as described in the official regulation - “Edital” - whose link is provided above):
a) “Prova escrita”. A written essay on a topic randomly selected from the list of the topics (“pontos”) specified in the “Edital” (see below the English translation of this list). This essay must be written before the board. The candidates have one hour of free access to printed or electronic material (but not on the web) before start writing, and then four hours for writing the essay; only handwriting is allowed, i.e., no laptops, etc. This exam may function as a shortlisting test (only candidates having score above 7,0 by at least 3 out of the 5 members of the board are entitled to proceed to the other exams).
b) “Prova de títulos”. The board will evaluate the CV of the candidate and her/his “Memorial”, which is a written, free narrative/commentary on the academic career of the candidate to the present date – this is one of the items that form the set of documents for the submission process (see the “Edital” and the synthesis in English provided below).
c) “Prova de arguição”. An interview on any topic related to the field and list of topics specified in the “Edital” (see below). Candidates will be interviewed separately.
d) “Prova didática”. A lecture open to the public (as if intended for the undergraduate level), whose subject is, again, chosen randomly from the list of topics in the “Edital”. The candidates will have 24 hours to prepare this lecture, and 50 minutes to deliver it at a time previously arranged.
List of topics ("pontos") for the exams (a), (c) and (d) described above:
1. First-Order Logic and Completeness.
2. Hilbert’s Program and Gödel’s Incompleteness Results.
3. Axiomatic Set Theory.
4. Necessity and Possible Worlds.
5. Non-Classical Logics and Their Philosophical Interpretations.
6. Logic and Philosophy of Language.
7. Truth-Theories.
8. Logic and Arithmetic.
9. History of Logic (Aristotle, medievals, Frege, etc.).
10. First-Order Theories, Löwenheim-Skolem’s Theorem and its Philosophical Consequences.
11.Logic and Metaphysics
Documents required for the application (only copies):
a) Ph.D. certificate (or letter of completion or whatever official document attesting that you got your Ph.D.);
b) Identification (e.g. passport, copy of the relevant pages);
c) “Memorial”, which is composed by the standard, detailed curriculum vitae, and a written, free-format narrative or commentary of the academic career of the candidate, such as described in the CV, to the present date, pinpointing and/or expanding on what the candidate considers the principal contributions, interests, prospects for further development, strong points, etc. (Seven copies of the “Memorial” are required.)
d) Each published paper or book, as well as documents that can certify what is included in the “Memorial” or CV (e.g., certificates of participation in events, teaching positions, previous jobs, etc.)
How to submit:
The above material should be in the Department by December 17th (deadline).
The university’s legislation requires that the material should be delivered “in hand” (i.e., not by letter or email) to the secretary of the Department. There is, however, a way for applying from abroad by nominating formally a local representative (by means a written and signed letter). Please contact the Secretary of the Department in advance if you have any doubts regarding the application process. (We can send you a model for the letter nominating a local representative if you are applying from abroad; some of our faculty members can easily assume that role.)
Official address for sending the documents to submit (or for any additional information):
Professor Yara Adario Frateschi (Chair), [email protected]
Mr. Reginaldo do Nascimento (Secretary), [email protected]
Departamento de Filosofia, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH), UNICAMP, Rua Cora Coralina, 100. CEP 13083-896, Campinas, SP, Brasil.
Campinas, November 2015