New Book: Colours in the Development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy
Colours in the Development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy
This book presents and discusses the varying and seminal role which colour plays in the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy. Having once said that "Colours spur us to philosophize", the theme of colour was one to which Wittgenstein returned constantly throughout his career. Ranging from his Notebooks, 1914-1916 and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus to the posthumously published Remarks on Colours and On Certainty, this book explores how both his view of philosophical problems generally and his view on colours specifically changed considerably over time. Paying particular attention to his so-called intermediary period, it takes a case-based approach to the presentation of colour in texts from this period, from Some Remarks on Logical Form and Philosophical Remarks to his Big Typescript.
Some endorsements:
"This superb volume addresses a significant gap in the literature on Wittgenstein: his remarks on colour during the crucial and fascinating 'middle period', including his 'phenomenological' period, between his 1929 return to philosophy and the shift a few years later towards that extraordinary mode of philosophising that issued in the Philosophical Investigations."
—Gary Kemp, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Glasgow, UK
"This is vital reading for anyone interested in the early, middle, and late Wittgenstein's philosophising about colour, as well as his reasons for philosophising about colour. The book contains important assessments also for those engaged in Wittgenstein Nachlass research and its implications for questions regarding editing Wittgenstein's writings."
—Alois Pichler, Professor of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Norway
"Even though Wittgenstein's treatment of colour is pivotal in his philosophy, there are only a few studies on the topic. Featuring inspiring essays by leading scholars in this area, Silva's collection is a remarkable contribution to rescue the epistemological and logical significance of a major philosophy of colour."
—Nuno Venturinha, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
"This volume is an example of Wittgenstein's dictum 'Colours spur us to philosophize'. Not only does it prove the extent to which Wittgenstein thought about colour all his life. For a wider philosophical public it is of greatest significance since it makes the obstacles apparent any view will suffer from if it seeks to ground our colour concepts in anything but their usage."
—Gabriele M. Mras, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Table of contents:
Colours in the Development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy
Dedicated to the memory of Dale Jacquette (1953-2016)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Marcos Silva
Chapter 2 - Visual Images, Colored Patches, and Minima Visibilia: Logical Analysis and its Visual Instances in Wittgenstein's Early Notebooks
Ludovic Soutif
Chapter 3 - Incompatible colours and the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy
Andrew Lugg
Chapter 4 - Tractatus objects and the logic of color incompatibility
Dale Jacquette
Chapter 5 - What Does a Phenomenological Language Do?
Mauro Engelmann
Chapter 6 - Phenomenology as Logic of Content: Wittgenstein, Ramsey, and Schlick on Colour-Exclusion
Mihai Ometita
Chapter 7 - Visual space, colors and generality
Anderson Nakano
Chapter 8 - Wittgenstein on contradiction and contrariety: Four turning points in the development of his philosophy of logic
Marcos Silva
Chapter 9 - The grammar of colours advanced in Wittgenstein' s Middle Period
Axel Barcelos & Salma Saab
Chapter 10 - Wittgenstein on Color: From Phenomenology to Phenomenological Problems
James M. Thompson
Chapter 11 - The Fate of Wittgenstein's Phenomenology
João Vergílio G. Cuter
Chapter 12 - Wittgenstein on Colour and the Formation of Concepts
Frederik A. Gierlinger
Chapter 13 - Colours, Phenomelogy and Certainty: Wittgenstein's Remarks on Colours in the context of his later Philosophy
Marcelo Carvalho
Chapter 14 - The harmony of colour concepts – bridging the early and the late Wittgenstein
Ingolf Max
Marcos Silva
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