ALFAn School 2023
The Latin American Association of Analytical Philosophy (ALFAn) informs the community that the II ALFAn School will be held in Rio de Janeiro, at PUC-Rio, from November 6 to 9, 2023. On this occasion, the ALFAn School will be dedicated to pay a well-deserved tribute to Professor Oswaldo Chateaubriand. We attach the program and the advertising poster of the event. Those who wish to attend the II ALFAn School can contact Professor Ana Clara Polakof by writing an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to
The event will be hybrid.
Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Chateaubriand is Doctor of Philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley (1971). He is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Philosophy at PUC-Rio where he directed tens of master's and doctoral theses. He was a professor at North American and Brazilian universities. He is a founding member of the Brazilian Logic Society, of which he was president for two terms. He is an external member of the Center for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science of the State University of Campinas. The international recognition of his work led him to be elected a full member of the Institut International de Philosophie, based in Paris. Another distinction to which he was entitled was the volume Logic, Language and Knowledge: Essays in honor of Oswald Chateaubriand Filho, published in 1999. His work has focused on various topics, including (ontology, nature of logic, theory of descriptions, theory of truth and authors (Frege, Russell, Tarski, Quine, Goodman, among others). His intellectual production resulted in the publication of two volumes called Logical Forms, published in 2001 and 2005, which were the subject of two issues of the Brazilian journal Manuscrito, with critical articles by researchers from Brazil and abroad.We understand that, due to the importance that Chateaubriand's work has had for the development of analytical philosophy in Latin America, it is time for a well-deserved tribute at the II ALFAn School.