SALOME 1: the 1st South American LOgic MEeting, will take place in Cusco, Peru, January 12-15, 2024. It will be the inaugural meeting of the South American Logic Association. This is part of a project to develop logic in all its aspects (historical, philosophical, mathematical, computational, semiotical) in South America that started in 2015 with the launch of the South American Journal of Logic.
SALOME 1 is organized jointly with the Peruvian Society for Epistemology and Logic - SEPLO, member of LUA (Logica Universalis Association), also supporting the event. The event will include the celebration on January 14, 2024 of the 6th edition of the World Logic Day, launched by LUA in 2019 and recognized by UNESCO the same year.
Talks related to any aspects of logic, from scholars from all over the world, are welcome. Send a one page abstract (in English, Spanish or Portuguese) by September 21st to [email protected]. Notification by October 1st. After the congress, a selection of full papers will be published in the South American Journal of Logic